March 31st, 2023
‘Somia La Ciutat’ is a new exhibition at Palau Robert, Barcelona, and will be open to visitors until the 11th of June.
It is an exhibition that offers an imaginary of possible futures that allows visitors to reconnect with radically optimistic visions of the future of our cities.
Benedetta Tagliabue – EMBT Architects work is part of the exhibition as well as Zaha Hadid, MVRDV, Alejandro Aravena, Sou Fujimoto or Izaskun Chinchilla among many others.
Three of our projects are exposed at the pink room of the ‘Somia la Ciutat’ exhibition.
1.Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, Pissa, Italia. The vinyl is an interpretation of how the street will look like in Piaggio. The vinyl manages to dialogue with the space of the exhibition and manifests the whole project.
2.Century Square in Shanghai. You can see our hand-crafted model of the project and interesting information and images of the whole process.
3.Bamboo Cultural Experience Centre, Sichuan. Exclusive images and information of the execution of the project.