February 16, 2021
To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the death of Enric Miralles, the magazine En Blanco has prepared a special issue dedicated to revisiting some of the most significant projects of his career, in which exposed concrete plays a determining role, proposing a reflection on the materiality of concrete in the project for the public space, but also on the role of time in the conception, execution and civic appropriation of the architectural project in Miralles’ work.
Contributors: Joan Moreno Sanz, Josep MarÃa Rovira Gimeno, Carolina B. GarcÃa-Estévez, Carme Pinós, Daniel GarcÃa-Escudero, Berta Bardà i Milà , Benedetta Tagliabue, Alfonso Javier Gómez Raby, Diego GarcÃa-Setién Terol, José Manuel Barrera Puigdollers, Montserrat Bigas Vidal, LluÃs Bravo Farré, Salvador Gilabert Sanz, Catherine Spellman.
Thanks to all the En Blanco Magazine team for this great work!
Spanish, English /Â 150 Pages / 23 x 28 cm /Â Soft Cover