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Archdaily Interview

December 20, 2015

Benedetta Tagliabue: “An architect must find the hidden lines that will operate the city”. Interviewed by Archdaily and Plataforma Arquitectura on December 2015.

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Sofia Embankment Competition in Moscow

December 1, 2015

Last October 2015, EMBT together with Burgos & Garrido Arquitectos (Madrid, Spain) and CNIIP (Moscow, Russia), were finalist for the International architectural competition for the multifunctional complex development, located on the area adjacent to the Sofia Embankment.

Moscow Riverfront
Moscow Riverfront

June 24, 2015

In early 2015 we participated in the competition for the Moscow Riverfront. The main concept of the project was to create a Moscow LLC (Moscow Linear Liquid Center). From an archipelago of individual islands it is possible to form a great reef. By assembling single pieces of glass we can create a complex and rich mosaic.

This competition was in collaboration with Burgos & Garrido Arquitectos (Madrid, Spain) and Citymakers (Moscow, Russia).