Author: Catherine Spellman. Edited by Actar Publishers, Barcelona, Spain.
Author: Catherine Spellman. Edited by Actar Publishers, Barcelona, Spain.
Authors: Carolina B. GarcÃa Estévez and Josep M. Rovira. Edited by Abada Editores, Barcelona, Spain.
Issue 2020/02, Special Monographic Issue of Miralles Tagliabue EMBT, 2000-2020. Edited by UED Magazine, Shanghai.
Publisher Escola Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valencia, España.
Featured project: Kálida Sant Pau Centre, Barcelona, Spain. Edited by Arquitectura Viva, Madrid, Spain.
Edited by Arquitectura Viva, Madrid, Spain.
Proyectos: Mercado de Santa Caterina, Sede de Gas Natural Fenosa, Parque Diagonal Mar, Editado por Forma Edizioni srl, Italia.
Inspiration and Process in Architecture is a series of books exploring the lives and work of key figures in modern and contemporary architecture, and their use of drawing as part of the creative process. Editorial: Moleskine. Series and book editors: Francesca Serrazaneti and Matteo Schubert. Publishing editor: Roberto Di Puma.