In surroundings composed mainly of vertical buildings our tower will appear, growing upwards like the Spanish “castellars”. The building opens itself to the urban landscape through its form, an opening curved form. This allows it to dialogue and establish a connection with the surrounding vertical buildings. Our intervention should be a dynamic and flexible part of the city. Since the beginning of the project, the main idea was the symbiosis between the fragmentation and recomposition of the nature and buildings as pine trees. Starting from the image of a pine tree forest, the building transforms itself with the idea of vertical density and gently starts to disappear into the sky through its reflectivity.
The collages show the idea that from the ground floor, a forest seems to appear and the tree trunks that grow upwards to construct the tower. The photomontages and drawing fragments have great importance in the representation of the Taichung Tower, in an early phase these collages help to understand the gure of the tower and its relation to the context of the project. In a second phase, we started studying how the facade concept could be connected with the main concept, through more conventional collages. So we started to interplay between the tree drawings and the holes, which resulted in the proposal that we have today. As Miralles once described… “the beginning of the dialogue between thought and construction.”